August 14, 2009

Chinese Gospel Tract

We have finally printed Living Waters Asia's first ever Gospel tract in the Chinese language. We know that many of you have been inquiring to us about this. Thanks to a faithful brother in Christ, Benaiah Villanueva, our "Are you a good person" comic tract is now available in the simplified Chinese language. And because this tract was printed locally, it's way cheaper than the tracts we imported from the US.

As most of you know, this tract can clearly show any person who reads it how wrong his/her understanding of his/her morality. People will understand that it's not man's standard that will matter on Judgment Day. It's God's high benchmark that will be in play on that scary day of judgment. With the comic illustration, people will surely be attracted to read this tract.

So to our Chinese brethren, enjoy giving out this tract! A tract in the Japanese language will be next on our project. Please pray for this.

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